Support Nzila Zola education fund. Thank you for helping with the education and programs. 100% of your donation will go directly to community-based nonprofits.
Giving is more impactful than ever
If you’re a UK taxpayer, you can boost the amount of every donation you make by giving through Gift Aid, an Income Tax relief programme created to help charities get the most out of the funds they receive.
As Gift Aid enables the charity to recover the basic rate of tax on your donation, the scheme effectively adds 25p to each £1 you give at no extra cost to you. There are many other ways to give to charity tax-effectively too, such as by donating straight from your salary (before tax is deducted) through a payroll giving scheme; donating shares to charity; or leaving a charitable legacy in your will. These methods of giving ensure your chosen charities benefit as much as possible from your support, and can result in a lifetime of connection between you and the causes you care about
Donations Amount
£ Pay Any