Employability support
Help people develop skills and confidence to get a job. These activities can include:
Training: Access to training programs, work experience, and apprenticeships
Career preparation: Job application assistance, interview preparation, and networking with employers
Keep fit activities
Aerobic exercise: Burns fat and improves mood. Strength training: Builds muscle mass and strength. This can include squats, lunges, push-ups, and using weights or resistance machines. Isometric exercise: Improves stability and strength without movement. This can include planks and leg lifts
ESOL Classes
Free English Classes run every Friday from 6:30 pm to 8pm – doors open at 6pm and we offer an optional dinner and social time from 6pm. Call Now on: 07984 134185
Health awareness
Organize group training sessions focused on cultural sensitivity and awareness in mental health care
Health awareness
Organize group training sessions focused on cultural sensitivity and awareness in mental health care
Advice & guidance.
Information, advice, and guidance (IAG): Providing resources to help people understand their career options and make decisions about their future. Include connecting people with work and training.
Counselling sessions
Check-ins: Asking about mood, recent events, and what’s been working well Discussing highs and lows, and what’s challenging
Lunch club
Games Dodgeball, Ultimate frisbee, Netball, Martial arts, and Yoga.
Social activities Discussing dietary restrictions, Collecting recipes, and Meeting and eating.